Total |
Drug/Narcotic Violations |
Drug Equipment Violations |
Simple Assault |
Weapon Law Violations |
Shoplifting |
Intimidation |
Aggravated Assault |
Destruction/Damage/Vandal... |
All Other Larceny |
Burglary/Breaking & Enter... |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Robbery |
Fondling |
Rape |
Theft From Motor Vehicle |
Theft From Building |
Kidnapping/Abduction |
Stolen Property Offenses |
Negligent Manslaughter |
Statutory Rape |
Sodomy |
Counterfeiting/Forgery |
Murder and Nonnegligent M... |
Arson |
False Pretenses/Swindle/C... |
Wire Fraud |
Credit Card/Automated Tel... |
Identity Theft |
Theft of Motor Vehicle Pa... |
Prostitution |
Animal Cruelty |
Justifiable Homicide |
Sexual Assault With An Ob... |
Incest |
Human Trafficking, Commer... |
Human Trafficking, Involu... |
Bribery |
Embezzlement |
Extortion/Blackmail |
Impersonation |
Welfare Fraud |
Hacking/Computer Invasion |
Pocket-picking |
Purse-snatching |
Theft From Coin Operated ... |
Betting/Wagering |
Operating/Promoting/Assis... |
Gambling Equipment Violat... |
Sports Tampering |
Pornography/Obscene Mater... |
Assisting or Promoting Pr... |
Purchasing Prostitution |
Missing |
2,786 | 1,412 | 587 | 198 | 96 | 92 | 75 | 66 | 66 | 36 | 35 | 23 | 20 | 12 | 11 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Number of Crimes |
Drugs/Narcotics |
Total | 2,786 |
Drug/Narcotic Violations | 1,412 |
Drug Equipment Violations | 587 |
Simple Assault | 198 |
Weapon Law Violations | 96 |
Shoplifting | 92 |
Intimidation | 75 |
Aggravated Assault | 66 |
Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property | 66 |
All Other Larceny | 36 |
Burglary/Breaking & Entering | 35 |
Motor Vehicle Theft | 23 |
Robbery | 20 |
Fondling | 12 |
Rape | 11 |
Theft From Motor Vehicle | 9 |
Theft From Building | 8 |
Kidnapping/Abduction | 7 |
Stolen Property Offenses | 6 |
Negligent Manslaughter | 4 |
Statutory Rape | 4 |
Sodomy | 3 |
Counterfeiting/Forgery | 3 |
Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter | 2 |
Arson | 2 |
False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game | 2 |
Wire Fraud | 2 |
Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud | 1 |
Identity Theft | 1 |
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories | 1 |
Prostitution | 1 |
Animal Cruelty | 1 |
Justifiable Homicide | |
Sexual Assault With An Object | |
Incest | |
Human Trafficking, Commercial Sex Acts | |
Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude | |
Bribery | |
Embezzlement | |
Extortion/Blackmail | |
Impersonation | |
Welfare Fraud | |
Hacking/Computer Invasion | |
Pocket-picking | |
Purse-snatching | |
Theft From Coin Operated Machine or Device | |
Betting/Wagering | |
Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling | |
Gambling Equipment Violations | |
Sports Tampering | |
Pornography/Obscene Material | |
Assisting or Promoting Prostitution | |
Purchasing Prostitution | |
Missing | |